Daniel is a motorbike loving father of two small kiddies; he’s also an Accountant who has a special talent for baking.

Some of you may know that Daniels true passion is motorbike riding, he competed in the R8 cup in 2016. Over the last 18 months Dan has battled to survive an extremely rare, acquired and life-threatening disease called PNH. PNH is an autoimmune disease that is characterised by the destruction of red blood cells.

Daniel has total bone marrow failure which is complicated by previous battles with aplastic anaemia. This means Daniel does not make red blood cells to carry oxygen, white blood cells to fight off infection, or platelets to clot blood. Daniels platelets can be so low that he is susceptible to spontaneous bleeding.  He becomes extremely short of breath with the slightest activity, a common cold could put him in hospital for a week or longer.

Daniel Moore

Unfortunately after two failed bone marrow transplants Daniel is struggling to get his heath back on track. A Bone marrow transplant is a potentially lifesaving treatment but it comes at a huge cost.

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