Jules Cluzel (NRT Yamaha) was second in SP2 and Randy Krummenacher (BARDAHL Evan Bros. WorldSSP Yamaha) third, completing the front row for Sunday’s race.

Caricasulo, WSS, Misano WSBK 2018

The first non-Yamaha was the MV Agusta of Raffaele De Rosa (MV Agusta Reparto Corse by Vamag) in fourth place on the grid, with instant 2018 WorldSSP star Sandro Cortese (Kallio Racing Yamaha) fifth.

2017 champion Lucas Mahias (GRT Yamaha Official WorldSSP Team) finished sixth with a late lap to take a second row start.

Wild card rider Stefano Valtulini (Pleo Racing Team Kawasaki) was seventh, and recent signing Kyle Smith (CIA Landlord Insurance Honda) was eighth, and the top Honda rider.

Official Kawasaki runner Hikari Okubo (Kawasaki Puccetti Racing) placed ninth, while Anthony West (EAB antwest Racing Kawasaki) was tenth.

By Gordon Ritchie

West, WSS, Misano WSBK 2018