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Letter of the Issue – Vol 68 No 02

Wow! I have just finished reading the latest edition of AMCN and I am happy to say it’s the best one I have ever purchased – an awesome read.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Choose your own Adventure feature, it was a very well put together mag. The off-road exploring bits are of great interest to me; there is so much more to see once the bitumen ends. I have been saying to myself for ages that I need to get amongst it, and your adventure issue has inspired me.

Can you tell me if the hut used for the story is available for public use? I’m keen on doing some exploring up in that region and to have somewhere like that to stay would be awesome.

Rather than staying at the usual pubs while out riding, I reckon it would be great to rock up at the end of the day to a remote cabin/hut and enjoy the peace and quiet it provides. Reminds me to hone my camping skills a little. Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next edition.

Brad Watson

Via email

G’day Brad, thanks for the feedback on the adventure special, the entire AMCN team is proud of that one. But unfortunately the awesome little hut is off limits. It’s owned by a mate of Sam Maclachlan’s who built it a couple of decades ago and it has since become a secret family hideaway. I think the only reason Sam’s allowed access is because he helped build it when he was 18 years old. But hone those camping skills, there’s plenty of excellent and remote campsites around the country that will give you the same – if not better –

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World Square, NSW, 2002