The Australian Grand Prix Corporation is pleased to announce the You Are My Sunshine (YAMS) Foundation as the Official Charity for the Michelin Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix 2016.

With the charity in its fifth consecutive year and racing towards their $1 million fundraising goal, YAMS Foundation Chairperson Jude Donahoo is thrilled to name up-and-coming Australian rider, Jack Miller, as the official charity ambassador. 

“The finish line is now in sight and I can’t wait to have Aussie Jack Miller, an incredible young talent, help us reach our $1 million target at this year’s event,” Jude said.

The local Phillip Island not-for-profit organisation was established by Jude in memory of her beloved granddaughter Khalilla, who she tragically lost to neuroblastoma, a deadly childhood cancer. 

“YAMS Foundation gave me hope we could make a positive impact to the lives of those affected. Research has shown very promising results over the past five years, increasing the survival rate from 20% to nearly 50%, however there’s still a long way to go.”

Aussie MotoGP rider Jack Miller is stoked to see Jude only $52,000 away from her ultimate goal.

“Being welcomed back as the ambassador for the YAMS Foundation for a second consecutive year is a huge honour,” said Jack.

“I am thrilled to continue my support of YAMS and the work Jude and her team do. It’s a worthwhile local charity which helps make a difference to young children that are affected by neuroblastoma.”

Since the inception of YAMS in 2009, more than $945,000 has been donated toward neuroblastoma research being undertaken at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.

With just one week to go until the Michelin Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix 2016, there’s no better time to grab your mates and head down for an epic fun-fueled weekend. 

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