Coinciding with “Do it for Dolly Day”, the 4th annual All Women Simpson Desert Crossing will start from Marree in South Australia on May 13th. For those of you not familiar with Do it for Dolly Day, and Dolly’s Dream, it was created by Kate & Tick Everett following the shattering loss of their 14-year-old daughter, Dolly, to suicide after ongoing bullying.

This year, Kate Raymond, along with good friends Kim and Mark from Ok Adventure will be organising this round trip of over 1500km. Kate was a participant in the inaugural All Women Simpson Desert Crossing back in 2019 and her passion for all things motorcycle related has led to this position. Kate is very humbled and thankful to Stuart Ball and the other people involved in setting up the initial adventure and hopes to take the reins for many crossings to come.

All Women Simpson Desert

With 5 Simpson crossings under her belt (including 2 double solos), Kate is all too familiar with what it takes to ride a bike 600km across sand dunes. This year, the team of 12 adventurous women will take a total of seven days to complete the loop ride. Of which, four days is allocated for the crossing. This will allow for different ability riders to conquer the sand without feeling the pressure of time. The two days’ return back to Marree will also be a relaxing ride, after the rigours of the desert, allowing the participants to play tourist along the way.

The ride is fully supported and open to women of all riding abilities, so all you need to do is enter, turn up, ride and enjoy the adventure ahead. Each rider is encouraged to do some individual fundraising for the Dolly’s Dream foundation. Over the past three years, the All Women Simpson Desert Crossing riders have raised over $84000.00. This year they are aiming to break the $100k mark.

If you are interested in joining Kate on a fantastic adventure, you can contact her at and if Dolly’s Dream has touched your heart, please visit

  • Words & pics: Max Sullivan

All Women Simpson Desert