The Bikers A-Z survival bible offers the rider and the prospective rider an insight into motorcycling as a whole eg: Safety apparel, road awareness, motorcycle maintenance, gaining knowledge, tyres, pre-ride checks and insurances. It covers all aspects from the basic commute to the harden rider doing the big kilometers.

The focus is on safety and awareness as there are to many motorcyclists losing their lives due to basic errors. A lot of these usually arise to late or never at all to assist the rider to make a calculated decision which could save their lives.

The book is structured to enable the rider to learn the basics before they ride and get themselves into trouble. Basically if you know what to look for you can then take the appropriate action to prevent an accident.

An example of this could be; very importantly develop a sixth sence and it will assist you in evaluating and assessing different situation as they arise, before hand. If you think something is not right then take the necessary steps to address the issue perceived or real.

About the author

Steve Lambert has been riding for over 40 years all around Australia by himself and in company of others. Ranging from afternoon rides to 6 week trips around some parts of Australia. During these years of riding he has noticed many things and experienced the same.

Steve has noticed a few changes over the years and some of the things that were taken for granted are being over looked by the riders of today. With this in mind Steve set off to compile a list of these things over a period of time and to ask the question, why is this happening. One of the things he noticed was that the riders of today have a vast choice, not only in the machines but also in the apparel, safety items and toys.

So that is how all this has come about as he was unable to locate a publication that can offer a whole range of articles and knowledge pertaining to riding. Steve found that the information is scattered everywhere thus becoming harder to locate and learn from. Steve’s publication is basic giving the rider a basic insight on how things are done from organizing a long trip to ensuring that you know something about your ride.

He would like to thank all the riders that he has observed and questioned over a period of time in relation to what they do thus allowing this publication to be printed. We all must continue to learn and hand our knowledge along the road of life for the betterment of all of us who ride. This includes the city dweller and the hard arses alike who knock up the big kilometers.

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