This is the best motorcycle trip you can do in South Africa, says veteran motorcycle journalist Mick Matheson after his tour with SAMATours.

Matho went to South Africa for the riding and discovered the two-wheeled thrills were just one of many stunning experiences that make a trip there so appealing.

“I’d have been quite happy with the road trip, but Africa’s wildlife, culture and scenery all added up to a far greater experience than I could have anticipated,” he says.

His latest motorcycle travel video, The Best South African Road Trip Ever, captures the highlights and the enthusiasm of the group he rode with.

He happily admits he stole the title of the video from the tour organiser.

“I couldn’t think of a better name for it, really,” he says. “As road trips go, this is a classic that weaves the sheer joy of motorbikes through a whole range of things that happen on the road.”

“We’d ride for a while, maybe charging over a mountain pass, then stop and there’d be elephants or ostriches that you can hand feed.

“Another good stint of riding and we’d be high up in a remote range with beautiful gorges and the world’s highest swing — something for the few who are brave enough, because it’s about 80m high!”

He says the 17-day was one of the most affordable he’s done, mainly because of the 11-to-1 exchange rate compared with the Australian dollar.

“The food and wine were not only cheap, but really good,” he says.

“I’d go back, for sure. I saw a lot of South Africa this time but there’s still more to see, so I can’t really say I’ve ticked it off my bucket list yet — not completely.”