Electricity is the cornerstone of modern life. You only need to be deprived of it for a few minutes in the comfort of your own home to realise that without it we’re paralysed – we rely on it for everything from communication to entertainment and rarely go more than a few waking minutes without flicking a switch, pressing a button or using an electronic device. But despite all that, electric motorcycles that can truly replace their internal combustion engined equivalents seem to be forever just out of reach – the technology of a tomorrow that never dawns.

Now, though, while most of us will still be burning dead dinosaurs for years to come, the menu of electric alternatives is becoming increasingly appetising and the first half of the 2020s is increasingly looking like it might be a tipping point, finally bringing electric two-wheelers into the mainstream.

Existing biking behemoths and feisty newcomers alike are increasingly putting their weight behind the idea of electric motorcycles and as a result the products they’re creating are improving at an incredible rate. In fact there’s probably already an electric bike on the market that could replace your petrol-powered machine, at least if money wasn’t an object, and the ones that are promised for the next few years are even more tempting.

Check out the full story in the current issue (Vol 69 No 15) on sale now