The calls followed the release of new data from Queensland Police which revealed 96 percent of motorcycles stolen in Brisbane were not fitted with a security device.

RACQ spokesperson Steve Spalding said motorcycles were often stolen in plain sight of passers-by.

“Many of these thefts are opportunistic, which means there’s no planning behind it,” Mr Spalding said.

“If a thief sees a bike that’s not secure and is easy to take, they may decide to take it for a spin. Or it could be worse, unfortunately, many bikes stolen are gone for good after being dismantled and used for their parts.

“Riders really need to think about security and reduce the risk of their bike being stolen in the first place.

“By simply using a relatively inexpensive disc lock device with an audible alarm, and putting a cover on your motorcycle, you can reduce the risk of theft. You can purchase a disc lock from as little as $50>”

QPS data revealed in the six years to 2017, more than 230 motorcycles were stolen across Brisbane, with the majority taken from homes and public motorcycle parking bays.

The Stop Stolen Motorcycles initiative was launched to help riders better understand the security options available to protect their motorcycles from being stolen.