If you liked our recent feature on the Australian couple who rode a KTM Erzberg check out these two books, self-published by a couple of crazy Germans.

 Frank Panthoefer and Simone Dorner chucked in their day jobs to fire up a couple of old Honda Transalps and ride around the world.

 The full story is told in this two-part book series.

 Written in incredible detail but with a sense of humor it’s an absorbing tale that can be read in a few long sittings or nibbled at over the autumn-winter months.

To find out more and to buy the books in paperbook or as ebooks visit


Who are the Motorcycle Vagabonds?

Simone is the photographer and Frank the writer of the team.

Around the World on Two Wheels, Vagabond Style

Motorcycle Vagabonds – Around the World, Part 1: The Americas, New Zealand and Australia

We have dreamed of it for many years, until we finally plucked up the courage to leave it all behind.After 3 ½-years travelling around the world on motorcycles, we are now back and ready to reminisce about the 114,000 miles that have passed under our wheels. A recollection of the everyday life encounters of a spectacular journey, which turned out to be far from a never-ending holiday.This book will give everybody who is dreaming of a big adventure, a glimpse into a “life on the road” of motorcycle vagabonds and the experiences and emotions that formed our extraordinary passage around the world.Join us on our astounding adventure of discovery into places and cultures unknown!

Expanding the Horizon!

Motorcycle Vagabonds – Around the World, Part 2: Southeast-Asia, Himalayas, Orient & Social Re-Integration

Part two of our journey around the world takes us to places off the beaten track through Southeast Asia, over the world’s highest passes to the stunning high altitude mountain scenery of the Himalayas and through sensitive countries such as Pakistan, Iran and Iraq.

Striking a balance between the courage to stand up for our own beliefs and respect for other cultures and customs on the other hand is often frustratingly difficult. However, together with many other challenges it also determines our “inner journey” simultaneously.

Many times the success of our world trip is at a tipping point and to “grit our teeth and hold out” becomes a familiar phrase.

Among manifold insights into our life “on the road”, we also don’t ignore the last major challenge: Our return and social-reintegration which consumes a lot of our strength and energy.

Motorcycle Vagabonds – Around the World, Part 2: Southeast-Asia, Himalayas, Orient & Social Re-Integration